Upcoming: Holy Eucharist for The Sixth Sunday after The Epiphany February 16th, 8:00am, 9:00am, 10:00am.

Join us for worship Sundays and Wednesdays
Although we each have our private prayer life, communal worship is a cornerstone of our faith.

Christ Church Tower Chapel where Wednesday Morning Prayer Rite 1, Holy Eucharist Rite 1 and Meditation & Compline are held.
8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist (church)
10:00 a.m. - Choral Eucharist (church and Zoom)
Click here for instructions on safely receiving the Eucharist during the pandemic.
9:00 a.m. - Morning Prayer live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
12:00 p.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite 1 in the Tower Chapel (beginning Fall 2021).
6:00 p.m. - During the Summer season, Meditation & Compline will be held in the Tower Chapel.
Christ Church is pleased to offer Assistive Listening Devices for those who may have trouble hearing the service.
The Parish Office maintains a prayer list of names for the intercessor during the Prayers of the People. You may put the name of a person who is sick or who has passed away. You may also put the name of a person for clarity on making a decision or in need of support. If you would like to include someone's name, please contact the office by telephone or email with the person's first name. Their name will stay on the list for one month, unless specified differently.
Christ Church is a family church! We embrace and celebrate those rites that are central to family life. Are you planning a wedding or baptism for your child or yourself? Perhaps you need to know more about
communion or confirmation?
We can help you.
Please click here to find out about conducting a funeral at Christ Church. To speak to the Rector, please call the church office at 516-627-2184.
Find out what the appointed readings are by clicking on the Episcopal Lectionary page.
The Rector or a trained lay minister is available to visit you in the hospital or at home. Please email or call the church office if you would like to meet with the Rector privately.
In addition to clergy participation in the liturgy, we also have a large group of lay-people who regularly assist at the Eucharist. This includes lectors, intercessors, lay-Eucharistic ministers, acolytes, choristers and members of the altar guild. Young people in junior and senior high school are also encouraged to participate as lectors and intercessors.
Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2
Zoom Instructions
Step 1
Download the bulletin by clicking on the BULLETIN button at the top of this page. You can print the bulletin or keep it open on your screen to refer to during the service. The bulletin has the meeting i.d. and password (location highlighted in image).

Step 2
The easiest way to join the Sunday service is to click the link in the weekly eblast which Donna sends out on Friday night. Fill in form to the right to join email list or email the webmaster at webmaster@christchurchmanhasset.org.
Step 3
Download the Zoom app ahead of time.
Step 4
We trust this software, so please say "Yes" when you are asked, "Do you want the following program to make changes to you computer?"

Step 5
If you already have zoom installed, you get into the service by using the meeting i.d. printed in the bulletin.
Step 6
When prompted, enter your name or just your initials

Step 7
If your computer has a microphone and a camera, you can participate. Otherwise, we are happy to have you silently following along

Step 8
Questions? Email the Parish Office at admin@christchurchmanhasset.org. We are taking some additional steps to make this service open to all worshippers and yet free from Zoombombers.

Creating a Prayer Space at Home
This season is a perfect time to either re-create your prayer spaces, create them for the first time, or add to them. When we create a prayer space at home, when we go out of our way to make a space that is solely dedicated to prayer in our house, we intentionally set apart our prayer life as “other.” By setting apart a space for prayer we ensure that we are reminded of God’s presence in our lives and, especially, in our homes.
For example, a crucifix and candle to remind you to pray to Jesus and give thanks for his life, death, and resurrection. A small squishy ball that is designed to look like the earth, or some rocks from your garden, to remind you to give thanks to God for all creation and this world in which we live. A picture of your family and friends to give thanks for their love and support. A picture of Christ Church to give thanks for your parish and your parish family. And, maybe a small post-it with a word or phrase that encapsulates something for which you’d like some support and aid from God. You can add as much or as little to your prayer spaces as you need or want. Say all those prayers and then close with the Lord’s Prayer.
I’d like to ask that you send us some pictures of your Lenten prayer spaces after you create them and maybe while you’re using them. This way we can all see what unique and beautiful ways we are all engaging our faith at home.